Q Peter, Regarding a previous post, I might have missed an email, but can you let us know the "tentative" 3 and 4 year targets and ultimate goal
numbers please?
A This question is best answered by re-publishing the information which came out of the recent Library Board of Trustees meeting.
It wasn't formatting well here on the HR Blog, so I have re-sent it to all ACPL staff instead via e-mail. Peter
Allen County Public Library!

"Great Hall"
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Why no credit for making progress toward Wellness targets?
Q Why is there no reward for gradual improvement? If one needs to
lose 50 pounds total, and loses 25 the first year, shouldn't the person
be rewarded with lower payments? Shouldn't progress be rewarded?
A From the beginning of the program, the Board, Wellness Committee, and senior management have all shared your view. That's why you can get credit again in 2008 even if you don't yet meet the targets - as long as you bring in documentation from your doctor stating that you are actively working on achieving the targets (by December 14).
Thanks for the question.
lose 50 pounds total, and loses 25 the first year, shouldn't the person
be rewarded with lower payments? Shouldn't progress be rewarded?
A From the beginning of the program, the Board, Wellness Committee, and senior management have all shared your view. That's why you can get credit again in 2008 even if you don't yet meet the targets - as long as you bring in documentation from your doctor stating that you are actively working on achieving the targets (by December 14).
Thanks for the question.
Why didn't we get 2008 Wellness targets earlier?
Q Why did the Wellness Committee wait so long to tell us what the target
numbers were going to be? It leaves precious little time for people who
are borderline to make the number.
A The Wellness Committee responded promptly when asked by HR for recommendations for the 2008 targets. I believe HR and the Wellness Committee members felt it had been made clear to everyone that gradual improvement would be expected when the program was kicked-off last year. We all had the whole year to work on improvement. However, we can understand your interest in having specific numbers to shoot for. That's why this year we proposed to the Board specific targets for years 3 and 4 of the program as well as asked for a confirmation of the "ultimate goal" numbers that I believe the Board had approved last year.So now we have targets for the next three years - although the Board was clear about Years 3 and 4 being tentative and not firm goals at this point.
Thanks for asking!
numbers were going to be? It leaves precious little time for people who
are borderline to make the number.
A The Wellness Committee responded promptly when asked by HR for recommendations for the 2008 targets. I believe HR and the Wellness Committee members felt it had been made clear to everyone that gradual improvement would be expected when the program was kicked-off last year. We all had the whole year to work on improvement. However, we can understand your interest in having specific numbers to shoot for. That's why this year we proposed to the Board specific targets for years 3 and 4 of the program as well as asked for a confirmation of the "ultimate goal" numbers that I believe the Board had approved last year.So now we have targets for the next three years - although the Board was clear about Years 3 and 4 being tentative and not firm goals at this point.
Thanks for asking!
When are test (screening) results from my doctor due into HR?
Q For staff who choose to visit their own doctor for tests, is there a last day to get that info to HR in order to qualify for discounts on next year's insurance. I've already heard some people mention their appointments in November, and am wondering if there is a deadline by which you need test results. I imagine some others might like to know. Thanks.
Steve Myers
A Steve - Thanks for your question. Probably by now you and most other interested employees have seen the e-mail that Judy Dunahue sent out yesterday describing the screening process for this year. The due date for getting all test results and other documentation from physicians is December 14.
Steve Myers
A Steve - Thanks for your question. Probably by now you and most other interested employees have seen the e-mail that Judy Dunahue sent out yesterday describing the screening process for this year. The due date for getting all test results and other documentation from physicians is December 14.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Can my spouse keep health insurance thru ACPL when I retire?
Q Obviously, a lot will change in the health insurance/Medicare
world over the next couple decades, but, currently, once a staff member
retires, are there any options for a staffer's spouse who is under 65
to continue to get health insurance through the library/PHP/PERF,
etc.? Thanks,Steve Miller
A Steve, there are some options to address the situation you describe. First,once an employee is eligible for and applies for Medicare, the spouse of the employee becomes eligible for 36 months of COBRA coverage through PHP (assuming the spouse is not eligible themselves for Medicare during this period). COBRA is coverage under our existing health insurance plan thru PHP - but is fully paid for by the emnployee/spouse. Another option is the spouse converting to individual coverage through PHP but this is a different plan with different coverage and is generally not as a good a value as the group plan is.
Thanks for the question.
world over the next couple decades, but, currently, once a staff member
retires, are there any options for a staffer's spouse who is under 65
to continue to get health insurance through the library/PHP/PERF,
etc.? Thanks,Steve Miller
A Steve, there are some options to address the situation you describe. First,once an employee is eligible for and applies for Medicare, the spouse of the employee becomes eligible for 36 months of COBRA coverage through PHP (assuming the spouse is not eligible themselves for Medicare during this period). COBRA is coverage under our existing health insurance plan thru PHP - but is fully paid for by the emnployee/spouse. Another option is the spouse converting to individual coverage through PHP but this is a different plan with different coverage and is generally not as a good a value as the group plan is.
Thanks for the question.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Who pays if we need an ambulance?
Q Peter, We heard yesterday at a Wellness Committee meeting that the Library will pay/reimburse for an ambulance run. Is this true? If so, how does it work?
Steve Miller
A Steve, thanks for the question. Yes, our health insurance plan through PHP partially pays for Ambulance service. We, as employees, are responsible for 20% of the ambulance bill after we satisfy our deductible. One really nice thing about working at ACPL, however, is that our "Out of Pocket" Maximum per year is limited to $500.
Steve Miller
A Steve, thanks for the question. Yes, our health insurance plan through PHP partially pays for Ambulance service. We, as employees, are responsible for 20% of the ambulance bill after we satisfy our deductible. One really nice thing about working at ACPL, however, is that our "Out of Pocket" Maximum per year is limited to $500.
Friday, August 24, 2007
457 Retirement Plan?? ... PERF?? ...Please clarify!
Q Is the 457 tax-deferred retirement plan one and the same as the PERF
Retirement Plan, or is the 457 something totally different?Thank you
A Good question. I was a bit confused on this subject initially as well.
The two plans are totally different.
The 457 plan is simply a convenient way (payroll deduction) for employees to save money for retirement - and reduce their taxes. Money is deducted out of our checks BEFORE taxes and deposited in an account for us - where we direct how it will be invested. The investment gains are also deferred into the future. It is assumed that when we withdraw this money we will be retired - and be taxed at a lower rate than when we were working. The 457 Plan is strictly optional and only employee money is involved - there is no Library contribution.
We've described aspects of the PERF Retirement Plan in this blog before. There are two parts of PERF - the Annuity Savings Account and the Defined Benefit Plan. Both are fully paid for by the Library. For details, contact HR, check the PERF website (www.PERF.IN.GOV), or call PERF toll free at 1-888-526-1687.
Retirement Plan, or is the 457 something totally different?Thank you
A Good question. I was a bit confused on this subject initially as well.
The two plans are totally different.
The 457 plan is simply a convenient way (payroll deduction) for employees to save money for retirement - and reduce their taxes. Money is deducted out of our checks BEFORE taxes and deposited in an account for us - where we direct how it will be invested. The investment gains are also deferred into the future. It is assumed that when we withdraw this money we will be retired - and be taxed at a lower rate than when we were working. The 457 Plan is strictly optional and only employee money is involved - there is no Library contribution.
We've described aspects of the PERF Retirement Plan in this blog before. There are two parts of PERF - the Annuity Savings Account and the Defined Benefit Plan. Both are fully paid for by the Library. For details, contact HR, check the PERF website (www.PERF.IN.GOV), or call PERF toll free at 1-888-526-1687.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Peter, are you home?!
Q Are all questions asked on this blog answered? Wondering as I posted a
question regarding retirement benefits over a week ago and don't see
anything about it. Thank you.
A Yes, so far we've answered all HR Blog questions submitted and that is our intent. However, there could be some submitted someday that are not appropriate to post.
Regarding your PERF question, I apologize for not getting that one answered promptly. You submitted the question on August 9 and I just posted the response a few ago - August 17 (see below). Other than this slow response, I think we've been pretty speedy so far though!
question regarding retirement benefits over a week ago and don't see
anything about it. Thank you.
A Yes, so far we've answered all HR Blog questions submitted and that is our intent. However, there could be some submitted someday that are not appropriate to post.
Regarding your PERF question, I apologize for not getting that one answered promptly. You submitted the question on August 9 and I just posted the response a few ago - August 17 (see below). Other than this slow response, I think we've been pretty speedy so far though!
Rules for PERF eligibility
Q. Regarding our PERF accounts. Is everyone entitled to both the lump sum in their account AND their calculated monthly benefit upon retirement? Or is the monthly benefit only for employees working at least 40 hours?
A. All PERF Plan participants are entitled to have both an Annuity Savings Account AND the Defined Benefit Pension Plan. ACPL employees must be in regular (not temporary) positions of 30 hours/week or more to be eligible for PERF.
Publish Reject
A. All PERF Plan participants are entitled to have both an Annuity Savings Account AND the Defined Benefit Pension Plan. ACPL employees must be in regular (not temporary) positions of 30 hours/week or more to be eligible for PERF.
Publish Reject
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Wondering about ACPL life insurance...
Q. I am curious as to what exactly happens when I am deceased. How does life insurance pay out? Does my beneficiary receive a check? How long does it take to receive it? Will the beneficiary receive it in time to pay for funeral and burial expenses?Also, if my beneficiary is still a minor, is the money held somewhere? Or is he given a check?
A. I ran your questions by the claims representatives at both American United Life (AUL)insurance company (ACPL provided life insurance) and UNUM (voluntary life insurance).
How does the life insurance pay out? Does my beneficiary receive a check?
AUL will issue a lump sum check within five business days after receiving a death certificate, completed claim form, and a copy of the enrollment form listing beneficiaries. With UNUM, the Library completes the claim form and sends it along with the death certificate. The claims are processed in 5-10 business days. If the amount to each beneficiary is under $10,000 they will issue a check. If it is more, they will transmit the money to a bank account.
Will the beneficiary receive the money in time to pay for funeral and burial expenses?
Since most funeral homes give 30 days to pay the bills, your beneficiary should receive the money in time if the paperwork is completed in a timely manner. Both AUL and UNUM will take assignment, which means they will pay the funeral home directly and give your beneficiary the balance if that is your beneficiary’s choice.
If my beneficiary is a minor, is the money held somewhere, or is he given a check?
AUL says it depends on how large of sum is involved. If it is under $5,000, they will make a uniform transfer to the minor (meaning it goes into a special type of account). If the amount is larger, the court has to process guardianship papers. UNUM says that they issue money to minors in the form of a trust.
Please check with one of us in HR if you'd like additional information.
Judy Dunahue
ACPL Human Resources
A. I ran your questions by the claims representatives at both American United Life (AUL)insurance company (ACPL provided life insurance) and UNUM (voluntary life insurance).
How does the life insurance pay out? Does my beneficiary receive a check?
AUL will issue a lump sum check within five business days after receiving a death certificate, completed claim form, and a copy of the enrollment form listing beneficiaries. With UNUM, the Library completes the claim form and sends it along with the death certificate. The claims are processed in 5-10 business days. If the amount to each beneficiary is under $10,000 they will issue a check. If it is more, they will transmit the money to a bank account.
Will the beneficiary receive the money in time to pay for funeral and burial expenses?
Since most funeral homes give 30 days to pay the bills, your beneficiary should receive the money in time if the paperwork is completed in a timely manner. Both AUL and UNUM will take assignment, which means they will pay the funeral home directly and give your beneficiary the balance if that is your beneficiary’s choice.
If my beneficiary is a minor, is the money held somewhere, or is he given a check?
AUL says it depends on how large of sum is involved. If it is under $5,000, they will make a uniform transfer to the minor (meaning it goes into a special type of account). If the amount is larger, the court has to process guardianship papers. UNUM says that they issue money to minors in the form of a trust.
Please check with one of us in HR if you'd like additional information.
Judy Dunahue
ACPL Human Resources
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
No ties for ACPL men?!
Q. Could the dress code be amended to eliminate the requirement that men
wear ties? This is the obvious trend in society today, including many
other libraries, such as New York Public.
A. Anonymous - Among the tentative HR Department objectives for 2008 is leading an effort to review and possibly revise the current "dress code". In my short time here at ACPL, I've already heard from some of my co-workers that the Wednesday "Jeans Day" is leaving too many of us not looking professional for our patrons. Now we have this suggestion for men losing their ties. Dress code debates are always lively. Most likely we'll be forming a team of folks next year to work this issue. Maybe you'd want to become more than "Anonymous" and be part of the group!?
wear ties? This is the obvious trend in society today, including many
other libraries, such as New York Public.
A. Anonymous - Among the tentative HR Department objectives for 2008 is leading an effort to review and possibly revise the current "dress code". In my short time here at ACPL, I've already heard from some of my co-workers that the Wednesday "Jeans Day" is leaving too many of us not looking professional for our patrons. Now we have this suggestion for men losing their ties. Dress code debates are always lively. Most likely we'll be forming a team of folks next year to work this issue. Maybe you'd want to become more than "Anonymous" and be part of the group!?
"Targets" for 2008 Wellness Program?
Q. What are the target levels for blood pressure, BMI,
etc. for this year?
A. The Wellness Comittee is being asked to make recommendations on the 2008 targets within the next month. The targets will then go to the Senior Staff, and I assume the Library's Board, for final approval. I expect communication of the approped targets will take place in late September. Hope you'tre staying healthy! ($$$)
etc. for this year?
A. The Wellness Comittee is being asked to make recommendations on the 2008 targets within the next month. The targets will then go to the Senior Staff, and I assume the Library's Board, for final approval. I expect communication of the approped targets will take place in late September. Hope you'tre staying healthy! ($$$)
Can we "bank" sick pay for co-workers to use?
Q. Is it possible to create a "bank" of sick time for those
with many hours built up to contribute towards for those who are in a
desperate situation?
A. Dear Anonymous - This was discussed briefly this morning at the Senior Staff meeting. Our initial feeling is that we'd probably not want to implement a "bank" of this type. There were a few concerns mentioned but the primary one was that this would likley increase the library's cost of having the sick pay program. As is the case with most employer's, sick pay is accrued but not "owned" by employees like vacation time is. Therefore, we use it as we need it but do not get "cashed out" at any point for unused sick time - including when we leave the library. By allowing us all to donate "unused" sick time (that often would not otherwise be "used") we'd likely be seeing a overall higher usage of the benefit. That's not necessarily bad, but we'd need to evaluate spending limited ACPL employee benefit resources in this way instead of in other areas.
However, the Senior Staff did direct me to explore further some ideas concerning vacation pay that may help in this area. More on that in the coming weeks.
with many hours built up to contribute towards for those who are in a
desperate situation?
A. Dear Anonymous - This was discussed briefly this morning at the Senior Staff meeting. Our initial feeling is that we'd probably not want to implement a "bank" of this type. There were a few concerns mentioned but the primary one was that this would likley increase the library's cost of having the sick pay program. As is the case with most employer's, sick pay is accrued but not "owned" by employees like vacation time is. Therefore, we use it as we need it but do not get "cashed out" at any point for unused sick time - including when we leave the library. By allowing us all to donate "unused" sick time (that often would not otherwise be "used") we'd likely be seeing a overall higher usage of the benefit. That's not necessarily bad, but we'd need to evaluate spending limited ACPL employee benefit resources in this way instead of in other areas.
However, the Senior Staff did direct me to explore further some ideas concerning vacation pay that may help in this area. More on that in the coming weeks.
Monday, August 6, 2007
How to change the way your PERF funds are being invested
Q. I have questions about redirecting my voluntary PERF contribution (heck, I'm scared silly). Is there any information available to help me?
Scared Silly
A. Scared Silly, here's the scoop. Your question indicates you know that the funds in your Annuity Savings Account (ASA) are directed to investments as chosen by the plan participant (that's you!). You can "redirect" your funds four times per year (Jan 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1). ALSO, YOU MUST NOTIFY PERF AT LEAST 30 DAYS BEFORE A "REDIRECTION DATE" LISTED ABOVE FOR THE CHANGE TO GO INTO EFFECT AS REQUESTED. In other words, if you 'd like to change your investment direction effective October 1, you MUST have your form into PERF by September 1.
We're really glad you asked this question now. That's because PERF participants will be receiving their Quarterly Statement from PERF in the mail any day now reporting ASA investment results for the quarter ending June 30. Participants are advised to review their statements and decide if they want to make any adjustments to the way their funds are being invested. If you do decide to make a change, please know that both your curent account funds and all future contributions to your account will be invested as you now instruct.
There are two ways to redirect your investment funds. First, you can do this on-line by going to www.perf.in.gov, click on LOG IN HERE (yellow box), log-in, and then complete the on-line Investment Direction Form.
(If you have not registered to be able to access your PERF account information on-line, you must do this first. Instructions for doing this are also available at the PERF website listed above.)
The second way to change your investment direction is to go to www.perf.in.gov, then click on the Common Member Forms tab in the column on the left. From there, look at the list of forms under the heading For Members of the Public Employees' Fund. The Investment Direction form is the fourth form listed. Click on that, and print the form. Complete the form, and mail it to PERF.
If you have other questions about this process, call PERF toll free at 1-888-526-1687 or contact Peter Ford in ACPL Human Resources (x1231).
Thanks for the question!
Peter Ford
Scared Silly
A. Scared Silly, here's the scoop. Your question indicates you know that the funds in your Annuity Savings Account (ASA) are directed to investments as chosen by the plan participant (that's you!). You can "redirect" your funds four times per year (Jan 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1). ALSO, YOU MUST NOTIFY PERF AT LEAST 30 DAYS BEFORE A "REDIRECTION DATE" LISTED ABOVE FOR THE CHANGE TO GO INTO EFFECT AS REQUESTED. In other words, if you 'd like to change your investment direction effective October 1, you MUST have your form into PERF by September 1.
We're really glad you asked this question now. That's because PERF participants will be receiving their Quarterly Statement from PERF in the mail any day now reporting ASA investment results for the quarter ending June 30. Participants are advised to review their statements and decide if they want to make any adjustments to the way their funds are being invested. If you do decide to make a change, please know that both your curent account funds and all future contributions to your account will be invested as you now instruct.
There are two ways to redirect your investment funds. First, you can do this on-line by going to www.perf.in.gov, click on LOG IN HERE (yellow box), log-in, and then complete the on-line Investment Direction Form.
(If you have not registered to be able to access your PERF account information on-line, you must do this first. Instructions for doing this are also available at the PERF website listed above.)
The second way to change your investment direction is to go to www.perf.in.gov, then click on the Common Member Forms tab in the column on the left. From there, look at the list of forms under the heading For Members of the Public Employees' Fund. The Investment Direction form is the fourth form listed. Click on that, and print the form. Complete the form, and mail it to PERF.
If you have other questions about this process, call PERF toll free at 1-888-526-1687 or contact Peter Ford in ACPL Human Resources (x1231).
Thanks for the question!
Peter Ford
Friday, June 15, 2007
How AFLAC coverage works along side ACPL STD benefits
Q I was wondering whether having AFLAC short term disability coverage negates ACPL's short term coverage, or if they work together. (And I'll also be asking this question in a non-blog environment soon.) Ian
June 13, 2007 9:53 AM
A The AFLAC short term disability coverage is voluntarily chosen by and paid for by individual employees. The AFLAC short term disability coverage will pay out for eligible claims REGARDLESS if you're also receiving vacation, sick pay, or short term disability pay from ACPL. The two different short term disability plans are totally independent of each other.
Thanks for asking, Ian!
June 13, 2007 9:53 AM
A The AFLAC short term disability coverage is voluntarily chosen by and paid for by individual employees. The AFLAC short term disability coverage will pay out for eligible claims REGARDLESS if you're also receiving vacation, sick pay, or short term disability pay from ACPL. The two different short term disability plans are totally independent of each other.
Thanks for asking, Ian!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
How to ask HR a question using this blog
Q So we just type in a question here ("post a comment") and someone from HR will answer it?
A You got it! We'll make every effort in HR to answer the question (or estimate when we will be able to answer it) within two business days of you asking the question.
A You got it! We'll make every effort in HR to answer the question (or estimate when we will be able to answer it) within two business days of you asking the question.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
What happens to my employment if I can't work?
Q How do things work from a job status, pay, and benefits point of view if we become ill or injured and can't work?
A Since I worked on this issue with one team member recently, I thought I'd dedicate my first blog posting to this subject!
Situation: Mary Blog has been employed full time by ACPL for 2 years, had worked more than 1250 hours during the previous 12 months, and was seriously injured in a car accident. She has now been off work for 4 months and it is unknown when she'll be able to return to work. Let's take a look at how Mary's job status, pay, and benefits have been impacted by her absence from work.
Job Status: Mary applied for a leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policy, submitted the required documentation from her doctor, and was approved for the leave - all within the first couple weeks she was off.
Although the FMLA law generally requires employers to return a person to the job they held (or an equivalent job) if they return to work within 12 weeks, ACPL extends this period by an additional 12 weeks. So Mary's job is "protected" for 24 weeks following her absence. The employment of team members is terminated if they are not able to return to work within 24 weeks.
Pay: Mary had two weeks of vacation and a week of accrued sick pay when the accident occurred. So the first three weeks were paid for Mary using this accrued time she had in her "bank". When Mary had not returned after three weeks, ACPL's short term disability policy took over and paid Mary 70% of her regular monthly earnings thru the first 90 days of her absence. (ACPL's short term disability program is only available to eligible employees who have been with ACPL for at least a year when their leave begins - at no cost to team members! However, similar coverage can be purchased from AFLAC thru ACPL for those new team members who are interested.) When it began to look like Mary would not be able to return to work within 90 days, she worked with Human Resources to apply for Long Term Disability pay and her application was approved. LTD pays 60%
of regular monthly pay. The LTD pay will continue until Mary is able to return to work.
Benefits: ACPL's payment of health, dental, and vision insurance for Mary ended when she reached 90 days off the job. She elected to continue cobverage (called COBRA) by paying the full cost of the coverage (as opposed to the normal share team members contribute).
So, bottom line, Mary has about two more months to return to work while her job is being "held" for her. After that she would be applying to be re-employed rather than returning from medical leave. Her 60% pay thru LTD is continuing and her benefits are still in force due to Mary paying the full cost of the insurance.
(To satisfy our lawyer friends, we need to remind you that the above is a summary of some of our ACPL policies. For the details, you should review the policies on ACPL's intranet site or the actual insurance policies where relevent.)
HR is interested in team members' thoughts and questions about this issue - and anything else you have on your mind. Just fire away those questions via this blog and we'll do our best to answer promptly. (If it is going to take some time to research an answer, we'll post that and give a target date when the response will be posted on this blog.)
We look forward to receiving and responding to your postings!
Peter Ford
ACPL HR Manager
P.S. I'll try to make future answers alot shorter!
A Since I worked on this issue with one team member recently, I thought I'd dedicate my first blog posting to this subject!
Situation: Mary Blog has been employed full time by ACPL for 2 years, had worked more than 1250 hours during the previous 12 months, and was seriously injured in a car accident. She has now been off work for 4 months and it is unknown when she'll be able to return to work. Let's take a look at how Mary's job status, pay, and benefits have been impacted by her absence from work.
Job Status: Mary applied for a leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policy, submitted the required documentation from her doctor, and was approved for the leave - all within the first couple weeks she was off.
Although the FMLA law generally requires employers to return a person to the job they held (or an equivalent job) if they return to work within 12 weeks, ACPL extends this period by an additional 12 weeks. So Mary's job is "protected" for 24 weeks following her absence. The employment of team members is terminated if they are not able to return to work within 24 weeks.
Pay: Mary had two weeks of vacation and a week of accrued sick pay when the accident occurred. So the first three weeks were paid for Mary using this accrued time she had in her "bank". When Mary had not returned after three weeks, ACPL's short term disability policy took over and paid Mary 70% of her regular monthly earnings thru the first 90 days of her absence. (ACPL's short term disability program is only available to eligible employees who have been with ACPL for at least a year when their leave begins - at no cost to team members! However, similar coverage can be purchased from AFLAC thru ACPL for those new team members who are interested.) When it began to look like Mary would not be able to return to work within 90 days, she worked with Human Resources to apply for Long Term Disability pay and her application was approved. LTD pays 60%
of regular monthly pay. The LTD pay will continue until Mary is able to return to work.
Benefits: ACPL's payment of health, dental, and vision insurance for Mary ended when she reached 90 days off the job. She elected to continue cobverage (called COBRA) by paying the full cost of the coverage (as opposed to the normal share team members contribute).
So, bottom line, Mary has about two more months to return to work while her job is being "held" for her. After that she would be applying to be re-employed rather than returning from medical leave. Her 60% pay thru LTD is continuing and her benefits are still in force due to Mary paying the full cost of the insurance.
(To satisfy our lawyer friends, we need to remind you that the above is a summary of some of our ACPL policies. For the details, you should review the policies on ACPL's intranet site or the actual insurance policies where relevent.)
HR is interested in team members' thoughts and questions about this issue - and anything else you have on your mind. Just fire away those questions via this blog and we'll do our best to answer promptly. (If it is going to take some time to research an answer, we'll post that and give a target date when the response will be posted on this blog.)
We look forward to receiving and responding to your postings!
Peter Ford
ACPL HR Manager
P.S. I'll try to make future answers alot shorter!
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